
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Pune

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IISER Pune established in 2006, is a research-intensive teaching institute. The Government of India, through the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), has established seven Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research (IISER). These institutes are located in Bhopal, Berhampur, Mohali, Pune, Kolkata, Thiruvananthapuram and Tirupati

IISER Pune Courses

Course 1: BS-MS (Dual Degree)


Duration: 5 years

Eligibility: Science students who have passed class 10+2 or equivalent Specialization: Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Earth and Environmental Sciences and Physics

Course 2: BS


Duration: 4 years

Eligibility: Science students who have passed class 10+2 or equivalent Specialization: Economics and Engineering Sciences

Course 3: Int- Ph.D. Program


Eligibility: 60% marks (in aggregate, not only in majoring subject) or equivalent CGPA for General/OBC (55% or equivalent CGPA for SC/ST) in Bachelor's or equivalent degree in any one of the following disciplines: Biological Sciences / Biodiversity / Chemistry / Ecology and Environmental Sciences / Mathematics / Physics / Pharmacy / Medical Sciences / Engineering (BE/B. Tech)

Specialization: Biology, Chemical, Mathematics and Physics

Course 4: Ph.D. Program


Eligibility: Students with a Master’s degree in Science / Mathematics or a four-year Bachelor's degree with at least 60% marks (aggregate) are encouraged to apply to our Ph.D. program. In addition to the qualifying degree, we expect the students to have qualified a national examination such as CSIR-UGC NET/GATE/JEST/NBHM/JGEEBILS, etc. depending on their area of research interest. Students will be selected for the Ph.D. program based on performance in the interviews.

Specialization: Biology, Chemical, Mathematics, and Physics

Is IISER Fees very high?

You're quite worried. If you're admitted at IISER and you're worried about loan I'd fear what would you do at IITs(barely tution fees annually is Rs.2,00,000) or NITs (tution fees Rs. 1,50,000 annually)

Read More IISER Pune Courses and  Fees Structure


IISER Pune Admissions

IISER Pune offers an online mode of the application process for BS-MS Dual Degree, Integrated Ph.D., and Ph.D. programs. Candidates must fill the application form carefully by visiting the official website of IISER Pune and read all the instructions given.


For International Students: Candidates can apply by writing to with a cover letter, CV, Research Statement, Scan of information pages of Passport, transcript and three Letter of Recommendations. In the cover letter, mention the name of the department of interest along with the names of the specific research group in IISER.


Is IISER exam tough?

The difficulty level of IISER Aptitude Test (IAT) can be considered as just above JEE Main exam, but below JEE Advanced. KVPY belongs to the same level. Unlike KVPY (SX), you have to attempt Mathematics and Biology both sections, whether you are PCB or PCM student.

Only online applications will be accepted.

The candidates must carefully fill and submit the online application form on or before the specified date.

After the last date, all applications will be screened and candidates selected for interviews will be intimated by email.

Please Note:


All communication with candidates will be by email only.

Kindly check the official website for periodic updates.

In case of any application-related queries, please contact with your application number mentioned in the subject line.

Candidates who are appearing or are about to appear for the final examination of the qualifying degree program are eligible to apply for Ph.D. program. However, if selected, admission to the Ph.D. program would be conditional upon their completing the qualifying degree with the defined marks criteria, before 1st January 2020

Selection will be based on interviews of short-listed candidates.

Note: Relaxation of eligibility criteria for SC/ST and PD applicants will be as per Government of India norms. Candidates belonging to reserved category will have to submit relevant certificates if selected.


Read More IISER Pune Admission Process and important dates for all courses


IISER Pune Placement

The Career Development Centre (CDC) at IISER Pune serves as an interface between the institute's students and the world of employers. The center has the following objectives:


to provide full-time job and internship in-campus interviewing opportunities to Masters and Doctoral students seeking employment in industries (private/public)

to guide and mentor students preparing for subsequent academic programs in judiciously navigating through the entire spectrum of opportunities and careers they can embark on and contribute to after the transformation brought in them by IISER.

Read More IISER Pune Placements


IISER Pune Facilities

Research Facilities: We aim to develop a state-of-the-art research infrastructure in various areas of science. The available facilities are rapidly expanding as the institute grows. Follow the links below to know more about the experimental research (and teaching) facilities currently available at IISER Pune.


Computing Facilities: The computing facility and IT infrastructure at IISER Pune cater to all the faculty, students and staff. The institute has a good number of server and workstation-class computers for various system administration services. This is apart from a large number of PCs and workstations that serve the personal computing requirements.


E-Classroom: IISER also hosts two e-classrooms funded by Govt. of India and it is connected to the National Knowledge Network (NKN) through a 100 Mbps connectivity. The connectivity of the NKN will soon be upgraded to 1 Gbps. The NKN connects many other institutions like most of the national laboratories, IITs, IIMs and other IISERs. This facility is used to run classes for students taking courses from different parts of the country.



Library: IISER Pune Library is a creative and innovative partner in teaching, learning and research activities which in turn contributes to the achievement of the institute's mission to become a science university of the highest caliber with state of the art research and high-quality education. The library has undergone a sea of transformation, not only with doubling of books but also providing online access to all premier journals as well as full-text & bibliographic databases available in the field of science and allied subjects. Efforts are being put to apply ICT in all possible operations and services of the library to improve its service quality.

Fees and Eligibility

M.Sc + Ph.D 88800/Yearly
Ph.D 58800/Yearly


Admission Content Basic Criteria :Merit Based and Entrance Based
Entrance Exam :Online
Application Fee :INR 2000/- (INR 1000/- for SC/ST/PWD)
Admission Process :isit the official website for iiser admissions and click on ‘Apply Now’ Register at the portal and fill the application form. Candidates need to login using User ID and Password credentials. Fill all the required details and upload the necessary documents
Placements :Yes
Scholarship Schemes : Yes, I am having INSPIRE Scholarship given by DST department of Government of India. Every month I get scholarship of 5000 and a stipened of 20,000 every year along with scholarship for internships and projects
Specializations :Science Education and Research
Tuition Fee :N/A

Course Specializations Content

Admission CutOff Criteria

IISER Pune IISER Cut Off 2022
IISER Cut Off Round
Round 1
Courses    General    OBC    SC    ST    EWS    Kashmiri Migrants    PwD
BS + MS Chemistry
529    2541    5296    15099    2022    4825    17749
BS + MS Mathematics
529    2541    5296    15099    2022    4825    17749
BS + MS Physics
529    2541    5296    15099    2022    4825    17749
BS + MS Biology
529    2541    5296    15099    2022    4825    17749


IISER Pune JEE-Advanced Cut Off 2022

JEE-Advanced Cut Off Round
Round 1
Courses    General    OBC    SC    ST    EWS    GeneralPwD
other    other    other    other    other    other
BS + MS Chemistry
0-11269    0-6143    0-2675    0-88    0-3726    0-128
BS + MS Mathematics
0-11269    0-6143    0-2675    0-88    0-3726    0-128
BS + MS Physics
0-11269    0-6143    0-2675    0-88    0-3726    0-128
BS + MS Biology
0-11269    0-6143    0-2675    0-88    0-3726    0-128


Hostel For Hostel Type Total Annual Fee Security Fee
Male Two Seater AC Room 71000 500
Female Two Seater AC Room 71000 500



Nixon M. Abraham

Designation :Prof.
Qualification :Ph.D
Department :Science
Experience :29 Years

Prof. Jayant B. Udgaonkar

Designation :Director
Qualification :Ph.D
Department :Management
Experience :29 Years

Chaitanya Athale

Designation :Prof.
Qualification :Ph.D
Department :Science
Experience :29 Years

Nirmalya Ballav

Designation :Prof.
Qualification :Ph.D
Department :CHEMISTRY
Experience :29 Years

R. Boomi Shankar

Designation :Prof.
Qualification :Ph.D
Department :CHEMISTRY
Experience :29 Years

Argha Banerjee

Designation :Prof.
Qualification :Ph.D
Department :Science
Experience :29 Years

Venketeswara R Pai

Designation :Prof.
Qualification :Ph.D
Experience :29 Years

Baskar Balasubramanyam

Designation :Prof.
Qualification :Ph.D
Experience :29 Years

Sudarshan Ananth

Designation :Prof.
Qualification :Ph.D
Department :PHYSICS
Experience :29 Years

V.G. Anand

Designation :Prof.
Qualification :Ph.D
Department :CHEMISTRY
Experience :29 Years
