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Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) commonly known as Pusa Institute is India's premier national Institute for agricultural research, education and extension.

The Institute is situated in Delhi and financed and administered by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR). The IARI was responsible for the research leading to the "Green Revolution in India" of the 1970s.
The IARI has the status of a ‘Deemed-to-be-University’ under the UGC Act of 1956, and awards M.Sc. & Ph.D. degrees in various agricultural disciplines.
The present campus is a self-contained sylvan complex spread over an area of 500 hectares (approx. 1250 acres) and located about 8 km (5 miles) west of New Delhi  
The Institute has 20 divisions 5 multi-disciplinary Centres situated in Delhi, 2 off-season nurseries, 8 regional stations, 3 All India coordinated research projects with headquarters at IARI and 10 national Centres functioning under the all India coordinated research projects.
It has the sanctioned staff strength of 3540 comprising scientific, technical, administrative and supporting personnel. 
Schools at IARI:

School of Crop Improvement
School of Plant Protection
School of Basic Sciences
School of Natural Resource Management
School of Social Sciences
School of Horticultural Science
International Collaborations:

Potash and Phosphate Institute of Canada(PPIC)
United State Agency for International Development(USAID)
International Development Research Centre(IDRC)
Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research(CGIAR)
International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre(CIMMYT)
United Nations Environment Program Regional Research Centre for Asia and the Pacific (UNEP RRC.AP)
National Collaborations:

Department of Biotechnology: Ministry of Science and Technology ( DBT )
Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India ( DST )
Ministry of Environment & Forest
Indian Council of Agricultural Research ( ICAR )
Council of Scientific and Industrial Research ( CSIR)
National Academy of Agricultural Science ( NAAS)
National Fund for Basic and Strategic Research in Agriculture (  NFBSRA )
National Agricultural Innovation Project  ( NAIP )
National Fellow Scheme of ICAR
Honors and Awards:

The Institute was awarded the First Prize for doing maximum writing work in Hindi for the year 2011- 12 under the ICAR ‘Rajrishi Tandon Rajbhasa Puraskar Yojna’ & Second Prize for Institute’s Annual Rajbhasa Patrika ‘Pusa Surbhi’ under‘Ganesh Shankar Vidhyarathi Hindi Krishi Patrika Puraskar Yojna’ of ICAR for the year 2011-12 during the Director’s Conference organized on March 19, 2013.
The IARI won the Sardar Patel Outstanding ICAR Institution Award for the year 2010 (jointly with TNAU, Coimbatore) for outstanding contribution in the field of agricultural research, education and extension.
Institute was conferred the Environment Leadership Award of ‘Agriculture Today, 2011’ for its pioneering work on development of sustainable agriculture, protection of environment, mitigation and adaptation to climate change and environmental policy planning for the benefit of farming community.
The Indian Agricultural Research Institute received Quality Management System Standard Certificate, NS-EN ISO 9001: 2008 / ISO 9001:2008 of KVQA for providing education, research and training in the field of agriculture.
The Institute was given the Agriculture Leadership Award 2009 by a national agriculture magazine, "Agriculture Today" for helping the country attain and maintain self-sufficiency in food grains and for improving the economic conditions of Indian farmers.

Institute Level Awards

B.P. Pal Memorial Award
Hooker Award
Sukumar Basu Memorial Award
B.P. Pal Memorial Award
Shri Harikrishna Shastri Memorial Award
Rao Bahadur Dr. B. Viswanath Award
B. Joshi Award
Best Teacher Award
Divisional Level Awards

S.S. Bains Memorial Award
R.D. Asana Endowment Lecture Scheme
D.N. Puri Memorial Award
P.B. Sarkar Memorial Endowment Lecture Award
K.M. Singh Memorial Award
Shri B. Lakshminarayana Memorial award
P.K. Aggarwal Award
Guru Prasad Pradhan Award
P.N. Behl Award
Trainings and Workshop:

Date of Advt.




30 Sep 2014

Model Training Course on "Enhancing Water Productivity in Agriculture through The Application of Modern Tools / Techniques of Water Management in Crops"

Dec 15-25, 2014

Water Technology Center

29 Sep 2014

CAFT Training on "Empowering Farmers For Agricultural Entrepreneurial Ventures"

Nov 25-Dec 15, 2014

Division of Agricultural Extension

27 Sep 2014

Stakeholders' Workshop on Innovative Extensions Models and Approaches

October 10, 2014

Division of Agricultural Extension

23 Sep 2014

Model Training Course on "Natural Resource Management for Sustainable Agriculture"

December 15-22, 2014

Division of CESCRA

12 Sep 2014

Model Training Course on "Mass production technologies for natural enemies of crop pests"

Nov 24- Dec 01, 2014

Division of Entomology

11 Sep 2014

Model Training Course on "Valorization of Horticultural and Arable Crops"

Dec 04-11, 2014

Division of Food Science Post Harvest Technology


Library Services: IARI Library is one of the largest and the finest agrobiological libraries in South East Asia housing a total of 6 lakh publications including 1 lakh books/monographs, 45,000 bulletins, 30,000 news clippings, 15,000 post graduate theses, 3,50,000 journal volumes, 10,000 pamphlets, 30,000 reports and other reference materials.
Hostels: Institute has five hostels for Boys (Hemant, Vasant, Shishir, Grishm and Sharad), one for Girls (Varsha) and one Saraswati Apartment for married students.
Sports Activity: The Institute encourages extra-curricular activities that enrich cultural, physical & social life of students. Spacious playgrounds are provided for outdoor games like cricket, hockey, football, volleyball, tennis, badminton and various athletic events. There are facilities also for indoor games like Chess, Carom & Table Tennis.
Phytotron Facility: The Institute established a National Phytotron Facility in 1997. This is the first facility of its kind in the country to study the live responses of plants under controlled conditions and the possible impact of climate change and greenhouse gases. 


Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), New Delhi attained the status of Deemed University in the year 1958. IARI is the leading institute in the country for agricultural research and education. It has 20 divisions in total with 5 multi-disciplinary centers in Delhi & 8 regional stations.

IARI at present offers MSc, M.Tech & Ph.D. degree in 26 different disciplines to the aspirants. IARI conducts separate entrance examination for Postgraduate and Ph.D. course. Admission to M.Sc & M.Tech course is given on the basis of entrance examination merit list. Whereas admission to the Ph.D. course is given on the basis of candidate’s performance in the entrance examination (80% weightage) + academic score (10% weightage) + interview (10% weightage).

Admission to M.Sc & M.Tech course involves commencement of written entrance test, evaluation of answer sheet, briefing of the score, and circulation of merit list.
The admission process of the Ph.D. degree course is divided into three stages viz. written test, evaluation of academic score, & interview test. The cumulative score of all three stages will be considered final.
The institute publishes the admission notification online on its website and in the newspapers as well.
Candidates can fill the application form online with all the mandatory documents and submit it before the last date of submission.
Applicants who have passed the Bachelor’s degree qualifying examination are eligible to apply for M.Sc & M.Tech degree courses.
Applicants who are willing to join Ph.D. degree course must have Master’s degree.
Table of Content

IARI Admission Highlights
IARI Important Dates
IARI M.Sc & M.Tech admission
IARI Ph.D. Admission
IARI Application Process
IARI Reservation Criteria
IARI Scholarship Details

IARI M.Sc & M.Tech admission 2022
IACR formulates the eligibility criteria for the candidates who wants to take admission in M.Sc. & M.Tech degree course. The Academic Council updates the eligibility criteria in every academic year. The general eligibility criteria is to have Bachelor’s degree under the 10+2+4 pattern or equivalent. Candidates shall get all the admission related details in the Information Bulletin available on the website of the institute.

Candidates have to fill up the application form, attach the documents, make the payment offline and post the application form to the concerned authority. Application form submission should be done by the last week of April, and entrance test is conducted in the month of May.

Course Name    Specialization    Minimum Eligibility    Selection Criteria
MSc./M.Tech    Agricultural Chemical, Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Engineering, Agricultural Extension, Agricultural Physics, Agricultural Statistics, Agronomy, Biochemistry, Bioinformatics, Computer application, Entomology, Environmental Science, Genetics, Horticulture, Microbiology, Nematology, Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Plant pathology, Plant physiology, Plant Genetic Resources, Post-Harvest Technology, Seed Science and Technology, Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Water Science and Technology    Bachelor’s degree (B.Sc/BE/B.Tech) in the respective discipline.    On the basis of marks in the entrance test.
Candidate can obtain the application form by visiting the official website of IARI.
Applicants will be selected on the basis of their performance in the examination.
Number of available seats and eligibility criteria is subject to change by the Academic Council of IARI every year.

IARI Ph.D. Admission 2022
Admission to the Ph.D. degree course in any of its 26 disciplines is given on the basis of entrance examination conducted by IARI. The entrance test paper is divided into three parts i.e. General Agriculture (Paper I) and Part II & III (Subject-wise paper). The final result is formulated on the basis of marks obtained in the written test (80%), overall academic score (including marks of Class X & XII) it holds 10% weightage, and the score attained in the personal interview test, it contributes to 10% of marks.

Course Name    Specialization    Minimum Eligibility    Selection Criteria
MSc./M.Tech    Agricultural Chemical, Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Engineering, Agricultural Extension, Agricultural Physics, Agricultural Statistics, Agronomy, Biochemistry, Bioinformatics, Computer application, Entomology, Environmental Science, Genetics, Horticulture, Microbiology, Nematology, Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Plant pathology, Plant physiology, Plant Genetic Resources, Post-Harvest Technology, Seed Science and Technology, Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Water Science and Technology    Bachelor’s degree (B.Sc/BE/B.Tech) in the respective discipline.    On the basis of marks in the entrance test.
Candidates who have not studied any subject of Agriculture in postgraduate degree program shall have to take Introductory Agriculture of 36 credits in the first year of their Ph.D. degree program.
The academic council is responsible for the formulation of eligibility criteria.
The number of available seats and the eligibility criteria is subject to change every year by the Academic Council.
Admission is given on the basis of the final merit list prepared by the Academic Council.

IARI Application Process 2022
The application process is common for MSc. /M.Tech/Ph.D. program. The application form is provided online by the institute and it has to be submitted to the Academic Council before the due date with all the required documents. Candidates can apply for single discipline only.

Visit the college website.
Click on Admission option under the Academics tab.
Separate links of Ph.D. & PG application form will be given on the Admission page.
Click the link, download the form and fill it up properly.
Enter all the relevant details correctly and carefully viz. personal details, academic details, work experience details, the address of correspondence, etc. Attach all the required documents such as:
Proof of DOB
SSC mark sheet or equivalent certificate.
HSC mark sheet or equivalent certificate.
Graduate degree course mark sheet or equivalent certificate from any recognized university.
Postgraduate degree course mark sheet or equivalent certificate from any recognized university.
Candidates from the university that follows course-credit system shall submit Course Completion Certificate issued by the Registrar/Principal/Dean/Associate Dean of the university/college.
Certificate of Schedule Caste/Tribe/OBC/PH issued by the District Magistrate or other concerned authorities.
Document of evidence of continuous employment by the employer, if the candidate is employed.
Recent Passport sized photograph of the candidate.
Complete the application form by making the payment of fee through the following method.
Online mode: In case the application form is downloaded online from the institute’s website a DD of INR 500 (General category) and INR 250 (Reserved category) drawn in favor of the Registrar, Post Graduate School, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi.

By Post: Send a crossed DD of INR 575 along with the written request for application form and information bulletin clearly mentioning the correspondence address of the candidate.

In person: Make a payment of INR 500 (INR 250 for reserved category) from Syndicate Bank at Pusa Campus.

Submit the application form before the last date of submission to the Registrar, Post Graduate School, Indian Agricultural Research Institute.

IARI Reservation Criteria 2022
Reservation of seats is updated every year by the Academic Council of IARI and is subject to change. Category-wise reservation is given below:

Category    Reservation
Schedule caste    15%
Schedule Tribe    7.5%
Other backward classes    18%
Physically handicapped    3%
IARI Scholarship Details 2022
IARI award Junior and Senior Scholarship to its PG and Ph.D. students admitted under the General Open Competition Scheme on the advice of Standing Committee on Scholarships Financial Assistance and Academic Progress.

The scholarship is provided to the applicants on the basis of their admission and performance in the Post Graduate School. The duration of Junior/Senior Scholarship is of two years and three years and under exceptional circumstance, it could be extended by 3 to 6 months respectively. The Junior Scholarship offered to the PG students is of INR 10, 500 per month and the value of Senior Scholarship awarded to the Ph.D. students is INR 13, 125 per month.

Fees and Eligibility

M.SC 43150/Yearly
M.Tech 27250/Yearly
Ph.D 29250/Yearly


IARI at present offers MSc, M.Tech & Ph.D. degree in 26 different disciplines to the aspirants. IARI conducts separate entrance examination for Postgraduate and Ph.D. course. Admission to M.Sc & M.Tech course is given on the basis of entrance examination merit list. Whereas admission to the Ph.D. course is given on the basis of candidate’s performance in the entrance examination (80% weightage) + academic score (10% weightage) + interview (10% weightage).

  • Admission to M.Sc & M.Tech course involves commencement of written entrance test, evaluation of answer sheet, briefing of the score, and circulation of merit list.
  • The admission process of the Ph.D. degree course is divided into three stages viz. written test, evaluation of academic score, & interview test. The cumulative score of all three stages will be considered final.
  • The institute publishes the admission notification online on its website and in the newspapers as well.
  • Candidates can fill the application form online with all the mandatory documents and submit it before the last date of submission.
  • Applicants who have passed the Bachelor’s degree qualifying examination are eligible to apply for M.Sc & M.Tech degree courses.
  • Applicants who are willing to join Ph.D. degree course must have Master’s degree.
Basic Criteria :Entrance based
Entrance Exam :N/A
Entrance Exam :offline
Application Fee :In case the application form is downloaded online
Admission Process :Visit the college website. Click on Admission option under the Academics tab. Separate links of Ph.D. & PG application form will be given on the Admission page. Click the link, download the form and fill it up properly. Enter all the relevant details corr
Placements :Yes
Scholarship Schemes :IARI Scholarship Details 2022 IARI award Junior and Senior Scholarship to its PG and Ph.D. students admitted under the General Open Competition Scheme on the advice of Standing Committee on Scholarships Financial Assistance and Academic Progress. The sch
Specializations :agricultural research, education and extension
Intake :N/A
Tuition Fee :N/A

<h2 class="jsx-436839624 jsx-3927891491">IARI M.Sc &amp; M.Tech admission 2022</h2> <div class="jsx-436839624 jsx-3927891491 article-text"> <div class="cdcms_course_highlight"> <p id="c">IACR formulates the eligibility criteria for the candidates who wants to take admission in M.Sc. &amp; M.Tech degree course. The Academic Council updates the eligibility criteria in every academic year. The general eligibility criteria is to have Bachelor&rsquo;s degree under the 10+2+4 pattern or equivalent. Candidates shall get all the admission related details in the Information Bulletin available on the website of the institute.</p> <p>Candidates have to fill up the application form, attach the documents, make the payment offline and post the application form to the concerned authority. Application form submission should be done by the last week of April, and entrance test is conducted in the month of May.</p> <p><strong>Online mode</strong>: In case the application form is downloaded online from the institute&rsquo;s website a DD of INR 500 (General category) and INR 250 (Reserved category) drawn in favor of the Registrar, Post Graduate School, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi.</p> <p><strong>By Post:</strong>&nbsp;Send a crossed DD of INR 575 along with the written request for application form and information bulletin clearly mentioning the correspondence address of the candidate.</p> <p><strong>In person</strong>: Make a payment of INR 500 (INR 250 for reserved category) from Syndicate Bank at Pusa Campus</p> </div> </div>

Admission CutOff Criteria


Hostel For Hostel Type Total Annual Fee Security Fee



Dr. A. K. Singh

Designation :Director
Qualification :Ph.D
Department :Management
Experience :30 Years

Dr. Rrani Mukherjeee

Designation :Professor
Qualification :Ph.D
Department :Management
Experience :29 Years

Dr. Anupama Singh

Designation :Professor
Qualification :Ph.D
Department :Science
Experience :29 Years

Dr. Amit Kar

Designation :Professor
Qualification :Ph.D
Department :ECONOMICS
Experience :29 Years

Dr. Alka Singh

Designation :Professor
Qualification :Ph.D
Department :ECONOMICS
Experience :29 Years

Dr. Indra Mani

Designation :Professor
Qualification :Ph.D
Department :Agricultural Chemicals
Experience :29 Years

Dr. Dhirendra Kumar Singh

Designation :Professor
Qualification :Ph.D
Department :Agricultural Chemicals
Experience :24 Years

Dr. P. Krishnan

Designation :Head
Qualification :MBA
Department :Agricultural Physics
Experience :14 Years

Dr. Vinay Kumar Sehgal

Designation :Head
Qualification :MCA
Department :Agricultural Physics
Experience :14 Years

Dr. Vinay Kumar Sehgal

Designation :Head
Qualification :MCA
Department :Agricultural Physics
Experience :14 Years
