
Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya

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  • Wardha


Content Creator | Updated On 2022-11-25

Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindu Vishwavidyalaya (MGAHV) is a Hindi Deemed University to promote Hindi language among students, researchers & teachers. The university offers Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Doctoral, Diploma, and Certificate courses in the streams of Management, Translation, Interpretation, Humanities and Social Sciences, Language, Literature. 


The median salary offered to students ranges between 2-4 LPA and is increasing year by year. Students can expect an average salary of 6 LPA in the coming years.

Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya Courses

MGAHV offers various courses through its Schools of Study. The schools include diploma, certificate, Undergraduate, Postgraduate, and Doctoral programs. Below are school-wise courses with their relevant details:

School Course/ Courses
School of Languages

Specializations: Language Technology, Computational Linguistics, Informatics and Language Engineering, Computer Application.
Languages: Hindi, French, Chinese, Spanish, Japanese, Malayalam.

School of Literature Courses: Hindi Literature, Comparative literature, Performing Arts (Film & Theatre), English Literature, Langauge Management, 
School of Culture Course: Ph.D., M.Phil, MA, PG Diploma, Postgraduate.
Specializations: Tribal Studies, Gandhi and Peace Studies, Female Studies, Dalit and Tribal Studies, Buddhist Studies.
School of Translation and Interpretation Courses: Ph.D., M.Phil, MA, PG, and PG Diploma.
Specializations: Translation study, Migration and Diaspora Study, Translation Diploma, etc.
School of Humanities and Social Sciences Courses: Ph.D. and MA in Social work (MSW), Mass Communication, Human Science, Diploma in Forensic Science, BSW, etc.
School of Management Course: MBA


Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya Admission

Admission to each course is via entrance exam conducted by the institute. Applicants may apply online as well as offline by paying the application fee charged by the university. Shortlisted candidates on the basis of marks obtained in the entrance exam are called for admission.

Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya Placements

MGAHV has a placement cell that helps students in getting placed. Students placed get median salary in the range of 2 - 4 LPA. NIRF 2019 report shows data of the past three years where only PG (2 years) students got on-campus placement. Below are all the details related to the same:

The salary scale is growing up year by year. Applicants can expect a good package in the future if the flow continues to go up. 2017-18 placements saw a sudden hike in the median salary package, from 2.64 LPA in 2016-17 to 4.2 LPA in 2017-18 placements remarks a positive growth for the university.

Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtira Hindi Vishwavidyalaya Hostel

MGAHV Wardha provide hostel accommodation to its students with all the amenities required for a healthy living. There are two separate hostels for boys and one hostel for girls. Apart from these hostels, there is a separate hostel for international students named Father Kamil Bulke International Hostel.

Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtiya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya Faculty

The faculty members of Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya are highly qualified with Ph.D. degrees and are awarded with several awards for their work and contribution in the field Language. There are a total of 132 faculty members who have received highly reputed national/ international/ awards or recognition from Central government agencies recently. Below is a list of some core faculty members of MGAHV:

  • Professor Taurus Prasad Jain
    • Designation: Professor and Director (Grammar)
    • Qualification: MA (linguistics), MA (Sanskrit), M.Phil (Linguistics), Ph.D. (Linguistics).
    • Award: Sanskrit Sahitya Puraskar by Honorable Governor of Uttar Pradesh on behalf of Uttar Pradesh Sanskrit Academy on 'Bahubaliyam' poetry work.
  • Professor Vijay Kumar Kaul
    • Designation: Professor and Director at Center for Information and Language Engineering
    • Qualification: Ph.D., M.Phil/ M.Tech, PG, UG, Tkt.
    • Award: Awarded a certificate of merit, for speaking on 'Communication Skills' at the Entrepreneur Awareness Program by the Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India, with EDC, SVRCET, SURAT, India.
  • Professor Hanuman Prasad Shukla
    • Designation: Professor at Department of Langauge Technology, Founder at Bhasha Vidyapeeth, and Chairman at Institutional Academic Integrity Panel (IAIP).
    • Qualification: M.A (Hindi), JRF, and Ph.D. (Hindi).
    • Award: Hindi Chair Professor for Foreign Universities by the Indian Council for Cultural Relations, New Delhi.
  • Bhadauria Kumar Santosh
    • Designation: Professor
    • Qualification: Ph.D.
    • Experience: 24 years
  • Singh Krishna Kumar
    • Designation: Professor
    • Qualification: Ph.D.
    • Experience: 21 years
  • Kaul Vijay Kumar
    • Designation: Professor
    • Qualification: Ph.D.
    • Experience: 6 years

Fees and Eligibility

MBA 7250/Yearly
M.Phil 6200/Yearly
Ph.D 6200/Yearly
PG Diploma 7550/Yearly
Certification 227/Yearly


Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindu Vishwavidyalaya (MGAHV) is a Hindi Deemed University to promote Hindi language among students, researchers & teachers. The university offers Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Doctoral, Diploma, and Certificate courses in the streams of Management, Translation, Interpretation, Humanities and Social Sciences, Language, Literature. 


The median salary offered to students ranges between 2-4 LPA and is increasing year by year. Students can expect an average salary of 6 LPA in the coming years.

Entrance Exam :online /offline (both)
Application Fee :n/a
Admission Process :N/a
Placements :Yes
Scholarship Schemes :n/a
Specializations :Management, Translation, Interpretation, Humanities and Social Sciences, Language, Literature
Intake :N/A
Tuition Fee :N/A

Admission CutOff Criteria


Hostel For Hostel Type Total Annual Fee Security Fee
Male Two Seater Non AC Room 1800 200
Female Two Seater Non AC Room 1800 200


