Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth formerly known as Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth is an Agricultural University established on 18th May 1972 and it is situated at Dapali in Ratnagiri district of the Indian State of Maharashtra. The university got its present name on 12th February 2000. There is a total of 19 different constituents and affiliated colleges in the Konkan region, which runs UG, PG, and Doctorate programs, and approx. 1500 students are admitted every year. Out of these 19 colleges, the maximum no. of colleges is in Ratnagiri District (10), followed by Sindhudurg (4), Raigad (3), and Thane district (2). The university provides admissions to various UG, PG, and Doctoral programs on the basis of merit and marks obtained in the Entrance Exam (MHT-CET).
The University has received a total of 32 awards for different initiatives and contributions in the agricultural field by different organizations and some of the top awards are “College of Agriculture and natural resources, Michigan State University, Michigan”, “Madrid University of Spain”, “CIFCOT, Mumbai”.
In 1997, the university received the Best Institute Award of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research.
At University, the major research projects are focused on Rice, Horticultural Crops, Fish, Production tools and Implement Development, Post-harvest technology, Kharland Reclamation, Soil and water conservation, Soil management & Animal production.
Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth Quick Facts
The research work at the Mail campus and 16 other research stations of the university is being undertaken through State & Central Government-sponsored research projects. The University has developed 20 agricultural tools and implements suitable for different farming situations and use cases of Konkan regions. Some of the latest ongoing research projects are- Development of spices & aromatic plants under the mission of Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH), Network Project on Organic Farming. The university has developed 90 varieties of field, fruit, vegetables, tuber, and spice crops including 25 improved and 5 hybrid varieties of Rice. The university has signed MOUs with a number of national and international institutes in the public and private sectors for collaborative research on issues and solutions. Various extension activities are conducted by the university on regular basis such as Demonstrations, Field trips, Input supply, Afforestation, Farm and Home visits, etc. Local proof of tested technologies is established through extension education. As per the UniRank, the university is at 415th place in country ranking while in the world ranking it is at 8334th place. There was a total of 148 beneficiaries under various Fellowship Schemes in the year 2018-19.
Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth Rankings
The University has been ranked 119th place under State Agricultural Universities. ICAR (INDIAN COUNCIL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH) has ranked the university at 51st place as per the 2020 released ranking. EduRank has also ranked the university: 8252 out of 14,160 in the world ranking 3103 out of 5,829 in Asia 420 out of 876 in India 36 out of 53 in Maharashtra According to Ranking Web of Universities, the university has secured below places based on different parameters: 12963rd place in the world ranking 5038th place in Continental ranking 961st place in the Country rank 11076th place in Impact 6492nd place in openness 6650th place in Excellence
Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth Courses & Fee
The university provides 8 UG, 7 PG, and 3 Doctoral Programs through various constituent and affiliated colleges.
Program Details
Selection Basis
B.Sc. (Hons.)
Duration: 4-year Eligibility: (10+2) with PCM/PCB Specializations: Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry, Community Science
On the basis of merit in the last qualifying exam & Common Entrance exam: MHT-CET/JEE/AIEEA-UGC
B. Tech
Duration: 4-year Eligibility: Passed with science stream (10+2) from Maharashtra state board of higher education or equivalent exam with PCM & English. Specializations: Agriculture Engineering, Bio-Technology, Food Technology
On the basis of merit in the last qualifying exam & Common Entrance exam: MHT-CET/JEE/AIEEA-UGC
B. F. Sc.
Duration: 4-year Eligibility: Passed with science stream (10+2) from Maharashtra state board of higher education or equivalent exam with50% aggregate in PCM & Math’s as the main subject Specializations: Aquaculture, Fish extension education, Fisheries Hydrology, Fisheries Technology
On the basis of merit in the last qualifying exam & Common Entrance exam: MHT-CET/JEE/AIEEA-UGC
Duration: 4-year Eligibility: Passed with science stream (10+2) from Maharashtra state board of higher education or equivalent exam with50% aggregate in PCMB & English as the main subject, Students who don’t have offered math need to complete deficiency courses as suggested by the concerned university. Specializations: Agronomy, Agriculture Botany, Agricultural Chemistry, Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Entomology, Horticulture, Plant Pathology, Agricultural Engineering, Animal Husbandry & Dairy Science
On the basis of merit in the last qualifying exam & Common Entrance exam: MHT-CET/JEE/AIEEA-UGC organized by the competent authority.
M. Tech
Duration: 2-year Eligibility: B. Tech (Agriculture Engineering) from any recognized university/institution/college. Candidate must be qualified in CET organized by MAUEB, Pune. The score must be 5.5 CGPA. 25% seats will be filled by CET (Common entrance test) Specializations: Agricultural Engineering Process, Electrical & other energy resources, Farm Power and Machinery, Farm Structures, Irrigation & Drainage Engineering, Soil & Water conservation
CET Score
M. Sc.
Duration: 2 years Eligibility: Graduation in B. Sc. (Agriculture)/ BBA(Agriculture)/ B. Sc. (BBM)/ B. Tech / B. Sc. (Horticulture)/ B. Sc. (Home Science) or 4-year equivalent degree from recognized university/college Specializations: Agronomy, Agricultural Botany, Agricultural Chemistry, Agricultural Economics, Extension Education, Plant Pathology, Horticulture, Agriculture Engineering, Animal Husbandry & Dairy Science, Biotechnology
M.F. Sc.
Duration: 2 years Eligibility: Graduation in B. F. Sc. or 4-year equivalent degree from recognized university/college Specializations: Aquaculture, Aquatic Environment Management, Fish Processing Technology, Fisheries Engineering & Technology, Fisheries Resources & Management, Fish Nutrition & Seed Technology, Fish Bio-Technology, Fisheries Extension
Duration: 3 years Eligibility: PG in M. Tech (agriculture engineering) in concerned subjects from Maharashtra or any other agricultural university Specializations: Agriculture Process Engineering, Electrical & Other energy resources, Farm Power & Machinery, Farm Structures, Irrigation & Drainage Engineering, Soil and water conservation, Fisheries Biology, Aquaculture, Fisheries Hydrography, Fisheries Technology, Fisheries Engineering, Fisheries-resources, Economics, Statistics & Extension Education, Agriculture
CET Score
Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth Placements
Top companies where students at Konkan University are working or placed are:
Valum Pro Science Pvt. Ltd., Kimaya Brewing Company, Laxmi Rubber Products Pvt. Ltd., Malpani’s Bakelite food processing Pvt. Ltd. Pune, SSOM International Foods, Sunico Agro, SATARA Maharashtra, Sahyadri Farms, Sindhu Agro Nursery, Symbiotic Sciences, The Professional Couriers, Ideal Agri Search.
Placement Highlights
The average package received by students is 5 Lakhs while the highest package is 8 Lakhs.
156 students are employed in the public, private, and banking sectors through University Placement Cell.
Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth Scholarships
Students admitted to Constituents as well as Non-Grant Affiliated Colleges’ reserved seats are eligible to:
Bachelor’s Scholarships
National Loan Scholarship
Maharashtra’s Merit-cum-means scholarship
Masters Scholarships
National Loan Scholarship
Merit-cum–means Scholarship for SC and ST Students
GOI’s Merit-cum-means scholarship for SC and ST students
Post-matric scholarship
Merit-cum-means scholarship (Government of Maharashtra)
Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth is an agricultural university at Dapoli in Ratnagiri district of the Indian state of Maharashtra, which was established in the year of 1972 as Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth. It received the Best Institute Award of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research. Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth University offers various undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral degree programs mainly focusing on the areas of Agricultural Technology, Animal Husbandry, Horticulture, Dairy Technologies and Fisheries.
Admission to all the UG programs including B.Tech is done on the basis of marks obtained in the last qualifying examination. Admission to the PG programs including M.Tech will be done through Common Entrance Test (CET), conducted by the Maharashtra Agricultural Universities Examination Board (MAUEB), Pune Admission to the Ph. D. programs are done on the basis of merit in the Ph.D. Common Entrance Test (CET) conducted by Maharashtra Agricultural Universities Examination Board (MAUEB) as well as of the qualifying postgraduate degree examination
Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth (DBSKKV) UG Admission 2022
At undergraduate level, Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth offers courses in the fields of Agriculture and Fisheries with a number of specialization subjects. All of these specialization courses are offered with the duration of four years. In order to get admission to the UG courses, candidates need to pass in 10+2 pattern from Maharashtra State Board of Higher Secondary Education or an equivalent Examination with Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English. Admission to the UG courses are done on the basis of Merit in the pre-qualifying examination.
15% of the total seats for all U.G. Courses shall be reserved to be filled in from all India basis through Common Entrance Examination to be conducted by ICAR, New Delhi (It includes 10% seats over and above the sanctioned intake capacity)
One seat in each of the below mentioned undergraduate degree courses is reserved for the wards of displaced citizens and wards of Officers/Staff advt of Military and Paramilitary Forces/ All India services posted to combat terrorists activities in Jammu and Kashmir State
Fees and Eligibility
B.Sc {Hons.}
Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth is an agricultural university at Dapoli in Ratnagiri district of the Indian state of Maharashtra, which was established in the year of 1972 as Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth. It received the Best Institute Award of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research. Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth University offers various undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral degree programs mainly focusing on the areas of Agricultural Technology, Animal Husbandry, Horticulture, Dairy Technologies and Fisheries.
Admission to all the UG programs including B.Tech is done on the basis of marks obtained in the last qualifying examination. Admission to the PG programs including M.Tech will be done through Common Entrance Test (CET), conducted by the Maharashtra Agricultural Universities Examination Board (MAUEB), Pune Admission to the Ph. D. programs are done on the basis of merit in the Ph.D. Common Entrance Test (CET) conducted by Maharashtra Agricultural Universities Examination Board (MAUEB) as well as of the qualifying postgraduate degree examination
Entrance Exam :CET Entrance Exam :online /offline (both) Application Fee :For Open category Rs. 1000/- For Reserved category Admission Process :Candidates shall fill in Online application form by visiting the website Candidates need to register themselves at first to fill in the application form After filling the application form, candidates need to send the printout of his duly signed Applicatio Placements :Yes Scholarship Schemes :n/a Specializations : Agricultural university Intake :CET Tuition Fee :N/A
Admission CutOff Criteria
MCAER-PG-CET Cut Off Round
Round 1
Vimukta Jati
M.Sc Agriculture
Hostel For
Hostel Type
Total Annual Fee
Security Fee
Two Seater Non AC Room
Two Seater Non AC Room
Dr. Tapas Bhattacharyya
Designation :Professor Qualification :M.Tech Department :Engineering Experience :17 Years
Dr. S.A. Chavan
Designation :Professor Qualification :MCA Department :Arts Experience :28 Years
Dr. S.G. Bhave
Designation :Professor Qualification :B.A Department :Arts Experience :22 Years
Dr. S. S. Prabhudesai
Designation :Professor Qualification :M.Tech Department :Engineering Experience :37 Years
Dr. J.M. Talathi
Designation :Professor Qualification :MCA Department :Arts Experience :28 Years
Dr. Anand Lalba Narangalkar
Designation :Professor Qualification :MCA Department :Computer Applications Experience :20 Years
Dr. Pramod Atmaram Sawant
Designation :Professor Qualification :M.Tech Department :Engineering Experience :28 Years