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  • Kolkata


NUJS was established in 1999 by the Bar Council of India, in conjunction with the government of West Bengal. It is an autonomous law university offering courses at the undergraduate and postgraduate students. It is located in the salt lake city of Kolkata. It is considered to be one of the best amongst elite national law schools. The unvirsity offers the students a five year Integrated B.A./B.Sc. LLB(Hons.) degree programme at the undergraduate level and a master of laws at postgraduate level. The objectives of the university are:

  • To advance and disseminate learning and knowledge of law and legal processes and their role in national development
  • To promote legal knowledge and to make law and the legal process efficient instruments of social development
  • To develop in the student and research scholar a sense of responsibility to serve society in the field of law by developing skills with regard to advocacy, legal service, legislation, law reforms and the like
  • To promote inter-disciplinary study of law in relation to management, technology, international cooperation and development


  • The main campus of the college is located on 5 acres plot on salt lake. The campus is well connected to railway stations in Kolkata and Kolkata airport
  • The academic block of the campus has the NUJS library; two fully air conditioned conference rooms; two huge lecture theatres
  • The campus also has an auditorium and a gymnasium for the students and the staff and faculties of NUJS
  • NUJS has built its own auditorium, on campus, with all modern facilities.

Research centres:

  • Centre for Gender research Law.
  • Centre for Human Rights and Citizenship Studies
  • Centre for WTO Law
  • Centre for Women and Law

Schools in NUJS:

  • The School of Criminal Justice &Administration (SCJA)
  • The School of Economic & Business Laws (SEBL)
  • The School of Legal Practice & Development (SLPD)
  • The School of Private Laws & Comparative Jurisprudence (SPLCJ)
  • The School of Public Law & Governance (SPLG)
  • The School of Social Sciences (SSS)
  • The School of Technology, Law & Development

Extra-curricular Activities:

Student Juridicial Association (SJA)- It is the students body of the college The SJA has an Executive Council which is constituted by representatives from the various Student Committees of the SJA and an elected Class Representative from each of the five batches of students

SJA Societies:

  • Moot Court Society
  • Library Committee
  • Literary and Debating Society
  • Cultural Committee
  • Magazine Committee
  • Cyber Committee
  • Sports Committee

Legal Aid Society- The Legal Aid Society of the college has following categories of activities

  • Legal Aid and Clinic Counselling- The legal clinic aid has been set up as a permanent body to provide free legal advice and resolution of disputes without long drawn and expensive litigation
  • Human Rights and Public Education- For empowering people through legal education and instilling in them consciousness about their rights and duties
  • Youth For Social Justice- It is a social awareness program that targets the youth with the objective of creting great mind aspects of the students
  • Law Enforcement Assistance- This is an subcommittee that works with law enforcement authorities such as government, pollution control board. It provides an interface to promote legal awareness amongst people
  • Para Legal Services and Training- The main purpose of this activity is to build relationships with those agencies who works with NGOs
  • Public Interest Advocacy Support services- In the form of documentation, obtaining empirical data and other allied research are to be provided for public advocacy of popular concerns and public interest litigations
  • Lok Adalat and ADR assistance- This society organizes lok adalats in association with W.B legal aid authority


Library and Computer Centre:

  • The Library occupies a central location in the academic block of the University in the ground floor, mezzanine floor and the Computer Centre in the first floor
  • It provides seating arrangement for approximately 300 users, with a separate group discussion room, apart from main reading hall and additional reading room
  • The Library & Computer Centre hosts about 70 computers, thin clients &terminals in N-Computing system
  • The library collection is nearly about 20,000 titles and over 6,500 bound volumes of journals including titles donated by renowned personalities and organizations and e-books
  • The library presently subscribes to 100 print journals & magazines and 13 newspapers
  • The library presently subscribes to 100 print journals & magazines and 13 newspapers


  • The Campus itself has one academic and two hostel blocks i.e. two seven storied halls of residence for girls and boys each with Mess, Air-conditioned Recreation Room and Dining Halls
  • The Boys Hostel has a capacity of accommodating 294 students and the Girls Hostel has the capacity of accommodating 251 student
  • The residential students are provided with sports facilities including an air-conditioned gym and other recreational facilities
  • The hostels are wired with Internet access as well as wi-fi connectivity
  • The University also has a Medical Officer Doctor and Psychotherapist who are available in the University at scheduled hours


  • Outlawed- It is the annual cultural fest of NUJS. It is a three day cultural fest hosting the melang of music, art, theatre etc. In addition to these there are performances by the very renowned artists like Agnee, Pentagram, Adavaita, Junkyard Groove
  • Invicta- It is NUJS annual Sports fest which has tweleve formal events in all

What's New in NUJS?
NUJS (NLU Kolkata) admission 2023 is open for UG and PG courses. Candidates applying for admission must appear for the Common Law Admission Test (CLAT). The last date to apply for CLAT 2023 is November 13, 2022. Application forms can be filled on the official website CLAT 2023 exam will be held on December 18, 2022.

West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences (NUJS Kolkata) offers courses at both Undergraduate and Postgraduate level. It offers various academic programmes including the five-year integrated B.A./B.Sc. LL.B (Hons.), one-year LL.M, M.Phil, Ph.D and LL.D degree programmes. Specialised streams on Commercial Law and International Law are offered in the LL.M. Programme. The University also offers several diploma and certificate programmes through distance, contact and regular classroom instructions. 

The selection of the candidates aspiring to get admission to BA/B.Sc LLB and LLM programmes will be based on their performance in CLAT entrance exam. 
For M.Phil and PhD, the candidates will have to appear for an entrance test and interview session.
For UG programmes, the candidates must have passed 10+2 and for PG programmes they must have completed their Bachelor’s degree.
For PhD, the basic eligibility criteria is that they should have done a Master’s degree in Law.
NUJS was established in 1999 by BCI, UGC. It is considered one of the best amongst the elite national law schools in India, implemented by the Bar Council of India. WBNUJS was ranked 6 by NIRF under Law Category in 2020. The University provides hundred percent placement.


NUJS BA/B.Sc LLB Eligibility Criteria

  • Candidates need to clear 10+2 examinations with a minimum of 45% marks. 
  • A relaxation of 5% marks is given to the candidates belonging to reserved category.

NUJS BA/B.Sc LLB Selection Criteria

  • The selection process of the candidates aspiring to get admission to BA/B.Sc LLB and LLM programmes are based on their performance in CLAT entrance exam. 
  • That performance is evaluated, on the basis of which, a merit list is prepared. Qualifying candidates proceed with the admission process to their desired courses.

NUJS M.Phil Eligibility Criteria

  • Candidates need to complete their master’s degree in Law and they need to have a minimum of 55% marks from a recognized University.
  • They must appear for ENtrance exam conducted by the college.

NUJS M.Phil Selection Criteria

  • Eligible candidates need to sit for the entrance test and shortlisted candidates need to appear for the Interview and those who qualify both the entrance test and Interview will then be called at the university head to complete the formalities of the admission process.

Key Points:

  • Candidates need to complete their master’s degree in Law and they need to have a minimum of 55% marks from a recognized University. 
  • Eligible candidates need to sit for the entrance test and shortlisted candidates need to appear for the Interview and those who qualify both the entrance test and Interview will then be called at the university head to complete the formalities of the admission process.

NUJS Kolkata LLD Admission 2023

LLD, one of the most advanced programmes in the field of Law is offered by NUJS. The course duration is 4 years and the candidates need to have completed their PhD in the field of Law. 

Course Name LLD
Course Duration  4 years
Eligibility Criteria  Candidates need to complete PhD in the field of Law.
Basic admission Criteria  Entrance test 

Key Points:

  • Candidates need to complete PhD in the field of Law.
  • Selection of the candidates are entirely based on the fulfillment of the eligibility criteria.

WBNUJS Application Process 2022

The admission to various programs of NUJS is strictly based on CLAT. For admission in any of the UG or PG courses the candidates need to follow few steps:

  • All willing candidates will be required to visit the official website of the Consortium of NLUs.
  • The candidates will find the option of applying for CLAT on the homepage of the website.
  • Upon clicking on the option of CLAT Application Form, the candidates will be redirected to another page where they can register for the exam.
  • In order to register, students will have to enter their name and mobile number. An OTP will be sent to the mobile number via an SMS and they can proceed to fill the form after that.
  • After registering, the applicants have to enter all of their personal and academic details in the application form.
  • They will also have to upload scanned copies of the documents asked for submission like their mark sheets, ID proof, photograph, signature, etc.
  • Once the student has successfully filled in all the details that are asked for in the application form, he/ she will get the option of selecting the various campuses of NLUs for admission and rank them as per his/ her preference.
  • After the CLAT results are declared, the applicants will be given admission to the NLUs as per their scores and the preference they enter in the application form.

NUJS Kolkata Scholarship 2023

The University provides a special SC/ ST scholarship named as “NUJS Merit-cum-Means Scholarship” under an MHRD scheme. It is based upon the marks obtained in aggregate in the immediate examination and an annual income of both the parents.

Fees and Eligibility

Certification 1000/Yearly
PG Diploma 36000/Yearly
M.Phil 67000/Yearly
Ph.D 67000/Yearly
Ph.D 67000/Yearly
BALLB {Hons.} 241800/Yearly


UJS (NLU Kolkata) admission 2023 is open for UG and PG courses. Candidates applying for admission must appear for the Common Law Admission Test (CLAT). The last date to apply for CLAT 2023 is November 13, 2022. Application forms can be filled on the official website CLAT 2023 exam will be held on December 18, 2022.


West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences (NUJS Kolkata) offers courses at both Undergraduate and Postgraduate level. It offers various academic programmes including the five-year integrated B.A./B.Sc. LL.B (Hons.), one-year LL.M, M.Phil, Ph.D and LL.D degree programmes. Specialised streams on Commercial Law and International Law are offered in the LL.M. Programme. The University also offers several diploma and certificate programmes through distance, contact and regular classroom instructions. 

  • The selection of the candidates aspiring to get admission to BA/B.Sc LLB and LLM programmes will be based on their performance in CLAT entrance exam. 
  • For M.Phil and PhD, the candidates will have to appear for an entrance test and interview session.
  • For UG programmes, the candidates must have passed 10+2 and for PG programmes they must have completed their Bachelor’s degree.
  • For PhD, the basic eligibility criteria is that they should have done a Master’s degree in Law.
Basic Criteria :CLAT Entrance Exam
Entrance Exam :CLAT
Entrance Exam :online /offline (both)
Application Fee :n/a
Admission Process :The admission to various programs of NUJS is strictly based on CLAT. For admission in any of the UG or PG courses the candidates need to follow few steps: All willing candidates will be required to visit the official website of the Consortium of NLUs. Th
Placements :Yes
Scholarship Schemes :NUJS Kolkata Scholarship 2023 The University provides a special SC/ ST scholarship named as “NUJS Merit-cum-Means Scholarship” under an MHRD scheme. It is based upon the marks obtained in aggregate in the immediate examination and an annual income of both
Specializations :Law university
Intake :CLAT
Tuition Fee :N/A

<div class="cdcms_course_highlight"> <h3><strong>NUJS LLM Eligibility Criteria</strong></h3> <ul> <li>Candidates need to have a bachelor&rsquo;s degree in Law and they need to have a minimum of 55% aggregate marks from a recognized university.</li> <li>They must have appeared for CLAT 2020.</li> </ul> <h3><strong>NUJS LLM Selection Criteria</strong></h3> <ul> <li>Eligible candidates need to sit for the entrance test and shortlisted candidates need to appear for the Interview.&nbsp;</li> <li id="p1">Those who qualify both the entrance test and Interview will then be called at the university head to complete the formalities of the admission process.</li> </ul> </div> <div id="bodyslot_6" class="body-adslot clearfix"> <div class="ads_body_ad_code_container clearfix" data-ads-id="80343" data-ads-type="ad_code" data-page-type="global" data-script="true"> <div id="ads_viewport_80343" data-id="80343"></div> </div> </div>

Admission CutOff Criteria

NUJS CLAT Cut Off 2022

CLAT Cut Off Round

Round 1Round 2Round 3Round 4Round 5
Courses General SC ST GeneralPwD OBC A OBC B
232 710 3619 8353 5571 7813 6800 - - 8392 - 3010
Bachelor of Science + B.Sc L.L.B. (Hons.)
232 710 3619 8353 5571 7813 6800 - - 8392 - 3010
440 1182 1257


Hostel For Hostel Type Total Annual Fee Security Fee
Male Two Seater AC Room 20000 500
Female Two Seater AC Room 20000 500


NUJS Kolkata Scholarship 2023

The University provides a special SC/ ST scholarship named as “NUJS Merit-cum-Means Scholarship” under an MHRD scheme. It is based upon the marks obtained in aggregate in the immediate examination and an annual income of both the parents.


Prof. (Dr.) N.K.Chakrabarti

Designation :Vice Chancellor
Qualification :Ph.D
Department :Engineering
Experience :37 Years

Dr. Arup Kumar Poddar

Designation :Professor
Qualification :Ph.D
Department :Management
Experience :37 Years

Dr. Arup Kumar Poddar

Designation :Professor
Qualification :Ph.D
Department :Law
Experience :37 Years

Prof. (Dr.) Manoj Kumar Sinha

Designation :Professor
Qualification :Ph.D
Department :Law
Experience :37 Years

Dr. Sreenivasulu N.S

Designation :Professor
Qualification :Ph.D
Department :Law
Experience :32 Years

Dr. T. V. G. N. Sudhakar

Designation :Professor
Qualification :Ph.D
Department :Law
Experience :32 Years

Prof. Anirban Mazumdar

Designation :Professor
Qualification :Ph.D
Department :Science
Experience :32 Years

Prof. Anirban Mazumdar

Designation :Professor
Qualification :Ph.D
Department :Management
Experience :32 Years
