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  • New Delhi


Content Creator | Updated On 2022-11-01

South Asian University (SAU), New Delhi was established in 2010. It is an international university established by the eight-member nations of South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation (SAARC) viz. Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. The University has been affiliated by University Grants Commission (UGC) for its programs. It aims to provide liberal and humane education to the brightest and the most dedicated students of South Asia so that a new class of quality leadership is nurtured. The university offers post-graduate and doctoral programs in various disciplines. The University is currently functioning from Akbar Bhawan Campus in Chanakyapuri, New Delhi.


South Asian University Facilities

  1. Library: The current library spreads over a total area of 4500 sq. ft. The library has texts and reference books covering different subjects including Computer Science, Mathematics, Biotechnology, Sociology, Economics, Law and International Relations. There are about 14,500 volumes of books available at the library with a seating capacity of 100 users. SAU Library is a member of INFLBNET (Information and Library Network) and INDEST (Indian National Digital Library in Engineering Sciences and Technology)
  2. Hostels: Shared hostel accommodation is provided to those students who join the University from outside Delhi. The hostels have currently three floors which house about 65 girls and 190 boys.
  3. Medical Facilities: All admitted students are covered under the Medical Group Insurance Scheme up to INR 1,50,000 for which full premium is paid by the University. In addition, the University has its own Health Centre where limited OPD facilities are available.

South Asian University Scholarships

SAU is committed to awarding financial aid to the needy and deserving students. The following scholarships are available to students admitted in the University: 

  1. President’s Scholarships (For MA/M.Sc. and LLM students only)- Two scholarships are offered for each academic program: one to the student scoring the highest marks in the Entrance Test in the Indian list and the other to the student scoring the highest marks in the non-Indian list (South Asian countries other than India) who finally joins the University. The scholarship is offered for two years and will be renewed in the second year subject to satisfactory performance in the first year.
  2. SAARC India Silver Jubilee Scholarships for Masters and PhD Programs: It is instituted by the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) Government of India, are offered for Master’s and Doctoral level studies to meritorious students coming from one of the following lists of eligible countries specified by the MEA: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, and Nepal. MEA has made available 75 SJS scholarships for Masters level students to SAU. The MEA has laid down detailed criteria regarding the award of these scholarships. SJS scholarships are awarded based on merit
  3. SAU Merit Scholarships (For MA/MSc and LLM students only): Two SAU Merit scholarships are available in each academic program and shall be awarded as per the following criteria: 
  • Indian: Based on the entrance test, from the merit list the top two students will be awarded SAU merit scholarships, which excludes President scholarship holder.
  • Non-Indian: Based on the entrance test, from the merit list the top two students will be awarded SAU merit scholarships, which excludes the holders of President and any SJS scholarships, who finally join the University.
  • South Asian University Facilities

    1. Library: The current library spreads over a total area of 4500 sq. ft. The library has texts and reference books covering different subjects including Computer Science, Mathematics, Biotechnology, Sociology, Economics, Law and International Relations. There are about 14,500 volumes of books available at the library with a seating capacity of 100 users. SAU Library is a member of INFLBNET (Information and Library Network) and INDEST (Indian National Digital Library in Engineering Sciences and Technology)
    2. Hostels: Shared hostel accommodation is provided to those students who join the University from outside Delhi. The hostels have currently three floors which house about 65 girls and 190 boys.
    3. Medical Facilities: All admitted students are covered under the Medical Group Insurance Scheme up to INR 1,50,000 for which full premium is paid by the University. In addition, the University has its own Health Centre where limited OPD facilities are available.

    South Asian University Scholarships

    SAU is committed to awarding financial aid to the needy and deserving students. The following scholarships are available to students admitted in the University: 

    1. President’s Scholarships (For MA/M.Sc. and LLM students only)- Two scholarships are offered for each academic program: one to the student scoring the highest marks in the Entrance Test in the Indian list and the other to the student scoring the highest marks in the non-Indian list (South Asian countries other than India) who finally joins the University. The scholarship is offered for two years and will be renewed in the second year subject to satisfactory performance in the first year.
    2. SAARC India Silver Jubilee Scholarships for Masters and PhD Programs: It is instituted by the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) Government of India, are offered for Master’s and Doctoral level studies to meritorious students coming from one of the following lists of eligible countries specified by the MEA: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, and Nepal. MEA has made available 75 SJS scholarships for Masters level students to SAU. The MEA has laid down detailed criteria regarding the award of these scholarships. SJS scholarships are awarded based on merit
    3. SAU Merit Scholarships (For MA/MSc and LLM students only): Two SAU Merit scholarships are available in each academic program and shall be awarded as per the following criteria: 
    • Indian: Based on the entrance test, from the merit list the top two students will be awarded SAU merit scholarships, which excludes President scholarship holder.
    • Non-Indian: Based on the entrance test, from the merit list the top two students will be awarded SAU merit scholarships, which excludes the holders of President and any SJS scholarships, who finally join the University.

    South Asian University is an International University established in August 2010 by the governments of the eight SAARC countries. The University currently functions from its campus in Chanakyapuri, New Delhi, while a new campus is being constructed in Maidan Garhi, South Delhi.

    South Asian University offers Masters and Ph.D. degrees in seven fields, which are Economics, Applied Mathematics, Computer Science, International Studies, Sociology, and Legal Studies. The Master’s degree is a full-time program with the duration of two years and has 30 seats per course. The minimum residency requirement for Ph.D. in SAU is three years. It is a full-time program and has four seats per specialization.

    • The application process for admission in SAU is common for all courses. Candidates can apply from SAU’s official website.
    • Candidates must have a Bachelor’s degree for admission to any Master’s program.
    • Master’s degree is needed for admission to Ph.D. programs. 
    • Selection criteria for all the courses/programs include an entrance test. For Ph.D. candidates, there is an additional step of Personal Interview.

    SAU MA, M.Sc & LL.M. Admission 2022
    SAU offers three PG programs in six specializations. Admissions to these programs include clearing an Entrance Test conducted by the University. The minimum educational qualification for applying is a Bachelor’s degree in the relevant subject with the minimum required percentage.

    The entrance exam organized by the University is offline and is conducted in various selected centers in the SAARC countries. It must be noted that the exam will be conducted simultaneously at the centers in each country. Sample question paper is available on SAU official website.

    To apply for the program/entrance test, candidates must visit the SAU website. Application process for all the courses are same with the application fee of INR 670/-

    Course Name    Specialization    Minimum Eligibility    Selection Criteria
    MA    Economics    10+2+3 with Mathematics as one of the subjects of study at 10+2 level or at graduation with at least 50% marks in aggregate.    Entrance Test conducted by the university
    International Relations    10+2+3 with at least 50% marks in aggregate.
    M.Sc.    Computer Science    10+2+3-year Bachelor’s degree in CS /relevant subject with Maths at either 10+2 or at graduation level with at least 55% marks in aggregate.
    Applied Mathematics    10+2+3-year Bachelor’s degree with Maths as a subject of study for at least two years with minimum 55% marks in aggregate.
    Biotechnology    10+2+3-year Bachelor’s degree in an area of relevance with Biology as a subject of study at 10+2 and graduation levels with minimum 55% marks in aggregate.
    LL.M.        10+2 with a 5-year integrated B.A. LL.B / 10+2 with a 3-year Bachelor’s degree + a 3-year LL.B degree / 10+2 + a 4-year LL.B degree with a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate.
    Key Points:

    Candidates must have a valid three-year Bachelor’s degree with the minimum required percentage (50% for M.A. & LL.M and 55% for M.Sc.)
    Candidates who have a four-year Bachelor’s degree/ a 2-year Bachelor’s degree who have also cleared the first year of the Master’s program are also eligible.
    50% seats are reserved for Indian students, while the remaining seats are divided between the other SAARC countries
    The University prepares separate merit lists for each country and the competition is between candidates of the same country.
    SAU Ph.D. Admission 2022
    SAU offers the research Ph.D. program in seven specializations. Admission to the Ph.D. program requires the candidate to pass the Entrance test and clear the Personal Interview organized by SAU. The basic eligibility criterion for the program is Master’s degree in the relevant field with the minimum required percentage.

    The entrance conducted by the University will be offline and candidates can download sample question papers from SAU website. The test will be conducted at different centers allotted in the SAARC countries.

    The candidates can apply for the entrance exam on the official website of SAU. All the courses have the same application process and application fee of INR 670/-

    Course Name    Specialization    Minimum Eligibility    Selection criteria
    Ph.D.    Economics    Master’s degree in the relevant field with a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate or an equivalent grade    Entrance Test & Personal Interview
    International Relations
    Applied Mathematics    Master’s degree in the relevant field with a minimum of 55% marks in aggregate or an equivalent grade
    Computer Science
    Legal Studies    Master’s degree in the relevant field with a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate or an equivalent grade
    Key Points:

    All Ph.D. programs require candidates to have Master’s degree in the relevant field or equivalent.
    50% of seats in Ph.D. programs are reserved for Indian students.

    SAU Application Process 2022
    The application process is common for all the Master’s degree and Ph.D. programs in SAU. To apply,

    Go to the official website of SAU
    Select ‘Admissions’ and click on ‘Apply Online’ link
    Register and apply online by paying INR 670/-
    Payment can be done online or through Bank Draft for the same amount
    The bank draft must be sent to Deputy Registrar, Admissions, South Asian University, New Delhi. Candidates must read the instructions carefully and apply accordingly.

    SAU Reservation Criteria 2022
    SAU reservation criteria for Master’s programs:

    50% seats for Indian applicants
    4% seats for applicants from Afghanistan, Maldives, Bhutan, Nepal, & Sri Lanka
    10% seats for applicants from Pakistan & Bangladesh
    10% seats for applicants from outside the SAARC Region.
    Separate merit list will be prepared for each country based on performance. If seats allocated to one country are not filled, they will be allocated to applicants from other countries.

    For Ph.D. programs, 50% seats are reserved for Indian applicants and the remaining 50% seats for applicants from all the other 7 SAARC countries put together. Two merit lists will be prepared, one for the Indian students and the other for the other seven SAARC countries.

    SAU Scholarship Details 2022
    Students can avail a few scholarships, fee waivers as well as freeships. Scholarships and freeships are available to students with meritorious academic performance and/or entrance test results. All Ph.D. students will receive tuition fee waiver. The Scholarships/Freeships available to SAU students are:

    President’s Scholarships (M.A. / M.Sc. & LL.M students)
    SAARC India Silver Jubilee Scholarships for Master’s & Ph.D. programs
    SAU Merit Scholarships (M.A. / M.Sc. & LL.M students)
    SAU Freeships (M.A. / M.Sc. & LL.M students)
    SAU Tuition Fee Waiver for Ph.D. students
    Financial Support from SAU for Ph.D. programs
    SAU gives financial support to Ph.D. students who do not receive any kind of scholarship/sponsorship or JRF support.  All scholarships/fee waivers/freeships are granted for one year and their continuation depends on good conduct and satisfactory performance.

Fees and Eligibility

M.A 74580/Yearly
M.SC 74580/Yearly
Ph.D 74580/Yearly
L.L.M 74580/Yearly


South Asian University is an International University established in August 2010 by the governments of the eight SAARC countries. The University currently functions from its campus in Chanakyapuri, New Delhi, while a new campus is being constructed in Maidan Garhi, South Delhi.

South Asian University offers Masters and Ph.D. degrees in seven fields, which are Economics, Applied Mathematics, Computer Science, International Studies, Sociology, and Legal Studies. The Master’s degree is a full-time program with the duration of two years and has 30 seats per course. The minimum residency requirement for Ph.D. in SAU is three years. It is a full-time program and has four seats per specialization.

  • The application process for admission in SAU is common for all courses. Candidates can apply from SAU’s official website.
  • Candidates must have a Bachelor’s degree for admission to any Master’s program.
  • Master’s degree is needed for admission to Ph.D. programs. 
  • Selection criteria for all the courses/programs include an entrance test. For Ph.D. candidates, there is an additional step of Personal Interview.
  • Seats are reserved on the basis of nationality with 50% seats reserved for Indian students. 
Basic Criteria :Entrance Test & Personal Interview
Entrance Exam :Entrance-based
Entrance Exam :Online
Application Fee :application process and application fee of INR 670
Admission Process :The application process is common for all the Master’s degree and Ph.D. programs in SAU. To apply, Go to the official website of SAU Select ‘Admissions’ and click on ‘Apply Online’ link Register and apply online by paying INR 670/- Payment can be done on
Placements :Yes
Scholarship Schemes :Students can avail a few scholarships, fee waivers as well as freeships. Scholarships and freeships are available to students with meritorious academic performance and/or entrance test results. All Ph.D. students will receive tuition fee waiver. The Schol
Specializations :Economics, Applied Mathematics, Computer Science, International Studies, Sociology
Intake :N/A
Tuition Fee :N/A

Admission CutOff Criteria


Hostel For Hostel Type Total Annual Fee Security Fee
Male Two Seater AC Room 65500 500
Female Two Seater AC Room 65500 500


South Asian University Scholarships
SAU is committed to awarding financial aid to the needy and deserving students. The following scholarships are available to students admitted in the University: 

President’s Scholarships (For MA/M.Sc. and LLM students only)- Two scholarships are offered for each academic program: one to the student scoring the highest marks in the Entrance Test in the Indian list and the other to the student scoring the highest marks in the non-Indian list (South Asian countries other than India) who finally joins the University. The scholarship is offered for two years and will be renewed in the second year subject to satisfactory performance in the first year.
SAARC India Silver Jubilee Scholarships for Masters and PhD Programs: It is instituted by the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) Government of India, are offered for Master’s and Doctoral level studies to meritorious students coming from one of the following lists of eligible countries specified by the MEA: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, and Nepal. MEA has made available 75 SJS scholarships for Masters level students to SAU. The MEA has laid down detailed criteria regarding the award of these scholarships. SJS scholarships are awarded based on merit
SAU Merit Scholarships (For MA/MSc and LLM students only): Two SAU Merit scholarships are available in each academic program and shall be awarded as per the following criteria: 
Indian: Based on the entrance test, from the merit list the top two students will be awarded SAU merit scholarships, which excludes President scholarship holder.
Non-Indian: Based on the entrance test, from the merit list the top two students will be awarded SAU merit scholarships, which excludes the holders of President and any SJS scholarships, who finally join the University.


Dr. Kavita A. Sharma

Designation :President
Qualification :Ph.D
Department :Science
Experience :22 Years

Amit Banerjee

Designation :Assistant Professor
Qualification :Ph.D
Experience :28 Years

Deepa Sinha

Designation :Assistant Professor
Qualification :Ph.D
Experience :35 Years

Ananda Mustafiz

Designation :Assistant Professor
Qualification :Ph.D
Experience :35 Years

Priti Saxena

Designation :Assistant Professor
Qualification :Ph.D
Experience :35 Years

Anirban Dasgupta

Designation :Assistant Professor
Qualification :Ph.D
Department :ECONOMICS
Experience :35 Years

Debdatta Saha

Designation :Assistant Professor
Qualification :Ph.D
Department :ECONOMICS
Experience :27 Years

Ankur Datta

Designation :Assistant Professor
Qualification :Ph.D
Department :SOCIOLOGY
Experience :27 Years

Nafees Ahmad

Designation :Assistant Professor
Qualification :Ph.D
Department :Science
Experience :27 Years
