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  • Kanpur


Content Creator | Updated On 2022-12-01

Manohar Lal Mahavidhyalaya was established in the year 1997. The college is affiliated to the C.S.J.M. University, Kanpur. The college offers several programs in the field of Arts, Science, Education and commerce to the students. It offers Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com.), Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.), and Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.).  The college has state of the art infrastructure and is provided with all vital and essential facilities for both the faculty and students. The faculty of the college is qualified and experienced they make use of effective methodologies for educating students and help them in their overall development

Facts and Figures:

Established in


Affiliated to

C.S.J.M. University, Kanpur

Institutional Area

The college is spread in an area of about 6.23hac. and has constructed are of about 2000 Sq. Mtrs.

Admission through

Admission in the college is on the basis of merit and on the guidelines of the State Govt. /U.T. Administration & the University.


The college has a well stocked library. The library has about 4000 text and reference books, 2 encyclopedias, 4 newspapers and has subscribed to about 10 journals. The library has seating capacity for 30 students.


The college has 1 science Lab, 1 psychology lab, 1 Educational Technology (ET)/ICT Lab. All the laboratories are well equipped, spacious and are upgraded time to time.

How to Reach

Nearest Railway Station - Kanpur Central

Nearest Town - Kanpur City

Why to Join Manohar Lal Mahavidhyalaya?

1. Workshops for students –The college organizes a number of workshops and seminars for the students of the college on several subjects. Through these workshops the students interacts and are given an exposure to the certain subjects that will benefit them in long term and also helps them to understand the brief aspect of other subjects also.

Fees and Eligibility

B.A 13000/Yearly
B.SC 15000/Yearly
B.Ed 45000/Yearly
B.Com 13000/Yearly


Manohar Lal Mahavidhyalaya was established in the year 1997. The college is affiliated to the C.S.J.M. University, Kanpur. The college offers several programs in the field of Arts, Science, Education and commerce to the students. It offers Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com.), Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.), and Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.).  The college has state of the art infrastructure and is provided with all vital and essential facilities for both the faculty and students. The faculty of the college is qualified and experienced they make use of effective methodologies for educating students and help them in their overall development

Entrance Exam :N/A
Entrance Exam :online /offline (both)
Application Fee :n/a
Admission Process :N/a
Placements :Yes
Scholarship Schemes :n/a
Specializations :Arts, Science, Education and commerce
Intake :N/A
Tuition Fee :N/A

Admission CutOff Criteria


Hostel For Hostel Type Total Annual Fee Security Fee



Dr. Vindhvasini Shukla

Designation :Professor
Qualification :B.A
Department :Arts
Experience :17 Years

Dr. Amita Arora

Designation :Professor
Qualification :MCA
Department :Computer Applications
Experience :20 Years

Sri Dinesh Singh

Designation :Professor
Qualification :MCA
Department :Computer Applications
Experience :20 Years

Dr. Deepak Tiwari

Designation :Professor
Qualification :MCA
Department :Computer Applications
Experience :22 Years

Dr. Trapti Dixit

Designation :Professor
Qualification :M.Com
Department :Commerce
Experience :19 Years

Dr. Manoj Sahu

Designation :Professor
Qualification :MCA
Department :Computer Applications
Experience :27 Years
