The BHU PET is a post-graduation entrance exam for Banaras Hindu University in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh. It is a university-level exam. It is carried out for the purpose of granting admission to courses in vocational, professional, special, and general education. The National Testing Agency (NTA) has not previously administered this test. Before, Banaras Hindu University itself conducted the BHU PET. The NTA's BHU PET official website (bhuet.nta.nic.in) contains all exam-related information. The college offers postgraduate projects in the accompanying streams: agriculture, the environment, the social sciences, and the arts
The directing system will be held in a web-based mode, chosen competitors will be educated by the call letter sent by the confirmation authority. Between two and four times as many call letters will be issued as available seats in the course. The counseling process can only be completed by candidates whose names appear on the merit list.
• Every candidate who is selected for counseling for a course must fill out an online preference entry form, which can be found in the candidate section of the entrance test portal and is currently active.
• A candidate is required to indicate their preference regarding the course, seat type, and location on the Preference Entry Form.
• In the form of a scorecard, the outcome will be made public in June. Using their application number and date of birth, candidates can access the official website to download their scorecards.
BHU PET Highlights
For Admissions into Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi |
Conducted By National Testing Agency (NTA) |
Exam Level University level |
Mode of Exam Offline (Pen and Paper-based) |
Application Mode Online |
Medium of Exam English and Hindi, Language Papers will be in their respective language. |
Duration of Exam 120 minutes |
Type and Number of Questions Objective-based MCQs |
Courses Offered General Courses, Professional Courses, Vocational Courses and Special Courses |
Eligibility for BHU PET
• The minimum qualification for BHU PET is a Bachelor's degree in the relevant field with at least 50% marks overall.The following are the additional BHU PET eligibility requirements:
• There is no minimum or maximum age requirement for application.
• The applicants must be citizens of India.
• For SC/ST candidates to be considered for admission to the M.A. in Language program, they must have completed their B.A. in the relevant language.
• In the degree examination, a minimum of 45% is required for OBC and Physically Challenged students.
BHU PET Application Form
Candidates should apply for the exam if they want to attend BHU's various Post Graduate Programs.The BHU PET Application Form can only be submitted online.Candidates ought to fill the web-based application cautiously with every one of the expected subtleties.
How to complete the BHU PET Online Application:
• Go to the BHU website and select "BHU PET Application Form."
• Select a password that is simple to remember and click "Submit."
• Fill out the application form completely by clicking "Online Application Form."
• Scan a recent photograph and include your signature.
• Pick five Test Places starting from the drop menu.
• Move on to online payment of application fees.
• After fees are paid, the application form can be downloaded.
• If necessary, print a copy of the form for future reference.
Note: Visit the BHU PET Application Form for more information.
The BHU PET Application Fee
The BHU PET Application Fee is different for General Candidates and SC/ST Candidates (see below).You can pay the fees online or with a challan.
• Using a debit or credit card:Through the payment gateway on the Entrance Test Portal, credit or debit cards can be used to pay the fees online. Click Proceed after entering the CVV number and credit/debit card number.
• Using a challan to pay with cash:The application fee can be paid in cash by applicants who are unable to use a credit or debit card. Any HDFC branch can process challans.At the time of filling out the form, select Challan to download the challan with all of the information. Applicants should make their deposits at any HDFC branch on a business day.
Column1 | Column2 | Column3 |
Category | Application Fee | Additional Subject Application Fee |
General and OBC | INR 500 | INR 200 |
SC/ST | INR 250 | INR 100 |
The BHU PET Admit Card
The BHU PET Admit Card can be found on the BHU Entrance Test Portal, bhuonline.in.To download the admit card, follow these steps:
• Go to the BHU Entrance Portal,
• click "Download Admit Card," and
• then sign in with your unique registration ID and password.
• Save the admit card, then print it out and stick a passport-sized picture in the space that is provided.
BHU PET Exam Pattern
Before preparing for the exam, applicants should follow the BHU PET Exam Pattern.
• There will be a total of 120 multiple-choice questions on the exam.
• The examination will last for 120 minutes.
• The exam is offline (pen and paper), and English and Hindi are the languages of instruction for linguistic subjects.With the exception of Sanskrit, all papers will be written in English and Hindi. Multiple-choice questions for various courses will be based on the subject of the qualification degree.
• For all courses, the questions will check candidates' English proficiency, analytical abilities, general awareness, logical quantitative, and aptitude.
• All questions will be based on the subject of the qualification degree, such as a degree or diploma for the course.
Column1 | Column2 |
Mode of Examination | Offline (Pen and Paper based) |
Number of Questions | 120 |
Maximum Marks | 360 marks |
Duration of Exam | 120 minutes |
Sections in Paper | One |
BHU PET Syllabus
BHU PET Syllabus includes objective type questions based on the concerned subject of the qualifying exam.
For M.A. in Linguistic/ Nepali/ Arabic/French/German/ Marathi/Persian/Telugu/ Indian Philosophy and Religion (IPR) / History of Art/ Pali/ Sanskrit | Current Affairs and General Knowledge; Language Proficiency in Concerned Language; Logical Quantitative and Analytical Abilities and Aptitude (inferences from percentages, tables, graphs, etc.) |
For M.A in Economics/History/Political Science/Sociology/Psychology | Multiple-choice questions will be based on Social Sciences such as Economics, History, Political Science, Sociology, Psychology, Rural Development, Management, Biology and Cultural Studies. |
For M. Com | Questions based on the Qualifying Examination. |
For M.Sc. in Physics/Chemistry/Geology/ Zoology/Botany/Computer Sciences/Biochemistry/Geophysics | Multiple-choice questions on Physics, Mathematics, Geophysics, Biology, Chemistry and based on the concerned subject. |
M.Sc. In Computer Science | Questions on Basic Statistics, Mathematics, Computer Science. |
M.Sc. in Biochemistry | Questions based on Biochemistry and Chemistry |
M.Sc. (Tech) in Geophysics | Questions on Geophysics, Mathematics and Physics |
M.Sc. In Geology | Multiple choice questions on Geology of the qualifying exam. |
M.Sc. In Botany/ Zoology | Multiple choice questions on Biology, Botany and Zoology |
M.Sc. In Statistics | Multiple-choice questions on Mathematics and Statistics |
For Language and Linguistic Courses | Multiple choice questions on Language Proficiency, Basic Grammar, Standardization of the concerned language, Technical words, Translation, etc. |
BHU PET Result
BHU PET Result will be announced online. The result will be available only on BHU Portal and will not be sent by post. Sectional marks, overall marks and rank obtained by the applicants will be mentioned on the result.
If there is tie between any two applicants, the qualifying examination marks will be considered as the tie-breaker.
How to download BHU PET Result:
1. Visit the Entrance Portal
2. Click on “BHU PET Result”
3. Click on Download Result
4. Open and Save in your computer
5. Take printout for further process
Counseling for BHU PET
Counseling for BHU PET will take place in three stages for BHU PET :
• Online Preference Entry Activity on the Day of Counseling Activity on the Next Day of Counseling Date
• The Merit List will Be Used to Choose Candidates.The "Call letter" will be available for download to selected applicants following the announcement of the Cut Off and Merit List.
• The candidate should complete an online preference entry where they can select their preferred seat type, location, and course.
Documents required for BHU PET Counselling
• Transfer Certificate.
• Migration Certificate, if applicable
• High School Certificate/equivalent Certificate and Mark list
• Intermediate (+2) Certificate and Mark list
• Mark sheet of the Qualifying Examination/Degree Certificate and Mark list
• PET Admit Card
• Category Certificate, if applicable
• Certificate in support of claim for 'Sports Seats'
• Certificate of being the son/daughter of a permanent in-service employee/Retired/Reemployed/ Deceased employee of BHU